How To Defeat The Keeper Lords Of The Fallen

You can read our full guide on how to beat the Keeper Lords in “Lords of the Fallen” here. Get ready to beat these tough opponents by learning tried-and-true techniques, tactical insights, and game-changing tips. This is the start of your journey to success!

Defeat The Keeper Lords of the Fallen


Before you face the Keeper, it’s crucial to prepare yourself adequately. Ensure your character is at a high enough level and has potent weapons and armor. The Keeper uses magic attacks, so equipping gear that can resist or mitigate magical damage can be very beneficial. Health potions are also essential; make sure you have a good stock before heading into the battle.

Understanding The Keeper’s Attacks

The Keeper has a variety of attacks, each with its own pattern and tell. One of his common moves is a close-range melee attack, which he telegraphs by raising his staff. He also has a powerful magic missile attack that he launches from a distance.

Additionally, the Keeper can summon minions to aid him in the fight. These minions can prove troublesome if not dealt with quickly. Lastly, when the Keeper’s health drops below a certain threshold, he will unleash a devastating area-of-effect (AoE) attack that can easily wipe out unprepared players.


Phase 1:

Once the fight begins, focus on dodging the Keeper’s attacks and getting in hits where you can. A good tactic is to stay close to him, as this can limit his use of ranged magic attacks. Be mindful of his melee strikes and dodge them accordingly.

Phase 2:

When the Keeper starts summoning minions, switch your focus to them. Leaving these creatures unchecked can quickly overwhelm you. Once they’re dealt with, return your attention to the Keeper.

Phase 3:

Once the Keeper’s health drops below a certain point, he’ll unleash his AoE attack. This is telegraphed by the Keeper charging up his staff with energy. When you see this happening, retreat to a safe distance to avoid the blast.

After the AoE attack, the Keeper will be temporarily vulnerable, giving you an excellent opportunity to deal some damage.


What level should I be before I face the Keeper?

While there’s no specific level requirement, it’s recommended that your character is at a reasonably high level. This is because the Keeper is a powerful boss with a wide variety of attacks, and having a higher level will give you more health, stamina, and damage output.

How can I protect myself against the Keeper’s magical attacks?

Equipping gear that offers resistance or mitigation against magic damage can be very helpful in this fight. You can find such gear throughout the game world or purchase it from vendors.

How do I deal with the minions the Keeper summons during the fight?

As soon as the Keeper summons his minions, switch your focus to them. They can overwhelm you if left unchecked, so it’s crucial to deal with them quickly before returning your attention to the Keeper.

How can I avoid the Keeper’s area-of-effect (AoE) attack?

The Keeper’s AoE attack is telegraphed by him charging up his staff with energy. When you see this happening, retreat to a safe distance to avoid the blast.

What should I do if I keep losing to the Keeper?

If you’re struggling with this boss, consider revisiting earlier areas of the game to level up, find better gear, or stock up on health potions. Remember, patience is key. It may take several attempts to defeat the Keeper, but with perseverance and strategy, you can overcome this challenge.

Can I defeat the Keeper without using any potions?

While it’s theoretically possible to defeat the Keeper without potions, it’s highly recommended to have a good stock of health potions. This is because the Keeper’s attacks can deal significant damage, and having potions on hand can be a lifesaver in the heat of battle.

What happens after I defeat the Keeper?

After defeating the Keeper, you can progress further into the game. You’ll also receive rewards such as experience points and potentially unique items. The specifics can vary depending on your performance in the fight and any related quests.

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